Official Website of Author

who am i?
Hello my name is Robert Vaughn. If you were to ask me if I am an avid reader, I would say no. I just love a wonderful story. Be it an actual book or someone telling me about their Saturday night. However, if something catches my eyes at the bookstore, I will pick it up.
With the publication of my debut novel Order of the Void, it has ignited my love for books. The writing community has been great to me and I want to give back. Any writer can tell you that one of, if not the most important thing after they publish their book is REVIEWS. Reviews make the writing world go round, and I want to do my part to keep that world spinning.
I want to help indie authors get their works and names out there. Maybe you write because it’s a hobby? Perhaps you want to turn writing into your full-time job? Regardless of what drives you, you know you have a monumental work of art you want to share with everyone. I’m going to help you do that.